
Windhoek Biodiversity Inventory

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The loss of biological diversity or biodiversity is one of the world's most serious pressures. There is growing global concern about the status of the biological resources on which so much of human life depends. Biological diversity is a term used to refer to all living organisms and the variety of the different species and their habitats. All the components of biodiversity play an important role in the survival of species and natural communities. Many of the natural ecosystem processes and services are maintained by biodiversity and are of great importance for human survival and well-being. The urban centres of all developing countries experience growing populations and increased settlement densities. This causes rising pressures on available natural resources, integrity of ecosystems and biological diversity. Windhoek is no exception. Here, urban sprawl to make way for new development is closely linked to habitat destruction. However, the Environmental Management Division lacks scientific data and research on biodiversity to direct sustainable development and conservation initiatives. It is against this background that the City of Windhoek initiated the compilation of a biodiversity inventory for its area of jurisdiction. Enviro Dynamics was appointed in February 2009 to conduct the Biodiversity Inventory on behalf of the City, the findings of which are contained in this report. We trust that this Inventory will promote sincere appreciation for Windhoek's living natural resources, with due concern for their protection amongst planners, politicians and the public.

Final Report
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