Witrenosterbul in Okahandja-distrik gestroo
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'n Witrenosterbul se karkas is gistermiddag op 'n plaas in die Okahandja-distrik gevind nadat hy aanvanklik deur stropers gekwes is. Die gekweste bul is verlede week op die plaas ontdek. Twee veeartse het die plaas besoek om die agtjarige renoster te behandel nadat hy deur die stropers in die voorkop geskiet is. Die eienaar van die plaas het aan NMH gesê hy het nog Sondag omstreeks 18:00 oor die plaas met sy girokopter gevlieg en die bul lewend gesien. "Maandag omstreeks 12:00 het ek sy karkas - min of meer op dieselfde plek as waar hy Sondagaand was - ontdek, asook die voetspore van die stropers," het die eienaar gesê. A white rhino bull's carcass was found on a farm in the Okahandja district yesterday afternoon after he was initially shot by poachers. The injured bull was discovered on the farm last week. Two vets visited the farm to treat the eight-year-old rhino after he was shot in the forehead by the poachers. The owner of the farm told NMH he still flew over the farm with his gyrocopter around 8pm on Sunday and saw the bull alive. "At about 12:00 on Monday, I discovered his carcass - more or less in the same place as where he was Sunday night - as well as the footprints of the poachers," the owner said.

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