240529003844: Amendment of the proposed upgrade of the existing Walvis Bay Waste Water Treatment Works (WWTW) to include the construction of a new sewer pump station, gravity line and rising main at Lagoon Area, Walvis Bay, Erongo Region
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Well-functioning Infrastructure supports the functioning of communities and their local economies. It unlocks an area's potential, enable residents to access services and potentially create work opportunities. The forecasted, accelerated growth of Walvis Bay place unprecedented stress on the infrastructure. The sewerage network that takes sewage away from properties in the Lagoon suburb is connected to the Jan Wilken Sewer pump station located at the Jan Wilken Sport stadium. From the recent revised Integrated, Urban Spatial Development Framework (IUDSF) for Walvis Bay town, it reveals a significant growth within the CBD that would require an upgrade of the infrastructure. Therefore, the development of the infrastructure is aligned with not only to the IUDSF, but it is mandated by the Local Authority Act, 1992 (Act 23 of 1992) as amended. A new sewage pump station is required to provide service resilience for a number of reasons, which may include but not limited to: Consistent Flow: This will support the Waste Water treatment Works (WWTW)by ensuring a consistent flow of wastewater to the treatment plant, thus facilitating effective treatment processes. Capacity: The existing sewer infrastructure might not have enough capacity to handle the wastewater generated by a neighbourhood. By investing in a new pump station and rising main, the municipality can improve the system's capacity and prevent issues like overflows or backups. Population Growth: As the population in the neighbourhood increases, the demand on the sewer system also grows. Investing in new infrastructure ensures that the system can adequately serve the needs of a growing community. Compliance: Municipalities are often required to meet certain environmental regulations and standards related to wastewater treatment and disposal. Upgrading infrastructure can help ensure compliance with these regulations. Preventing Pollution: A properly functioning sewer system is essential for protecting the environment and public health. By investing in new infrastructure, the municipality can reduce the risk of pollution from sewage leaks or overflows. The Municipality of Walvis Bay (the Proponent) triggered by the above factors has commissioned the amendment of the EIA granted for the upgrade of the the Existing Walvis Bay WWTW to include the construction of a New Sewer Pump Station, Gravity Line and Rising Main at Lagoon Area, Walvis Bay. This is crucial for maintaining a functional and efficient wastewater management system in the area. These activities require an Environmental Clearance Certificate (ECC) as per the Environmental Management Act No. 7 of 2007 (EMA) and its regulations. The proponent appointed Environam Consultants Trading (ECT) to undertake the necessary activities to enable an application for the amendment of the Environmental Clearance Certificate with the Environmental Commissioner as prescribed by the EMA and Environmental Impact Assessment Regulations (Government Notice No. 30 of 2012).

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Last date for commenting on this EIA: Thursday, 20 June 2024

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