240424003420: Upgrade 145 km of MO119 (TO602 to Talismanus) to low volume seal
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As part of its mandate, the Roads Authority must ensure that the marginalized communities are served by the national road network. Main Road 119 provides access, to essential services like schools and medical facilities, to the Talismanus community. Maintaining the existing gravel road has become costly due to the excessive deterioration and upgrading the road is more feasible. The pavement design is done in accordance with the SATCC Guideline for Low-volume Sealed Roads in conjunction with the Structural Design of Interurban and Rural Road Pavements (TRH 4) and the SATCC Code of Practice for the Design of Road Pavements. Material specifications will be done in accordance with COLTO standard specifications. The upgrade to low volume seal will be done mainly on the existing gravel road (MR 119) to Talismanus with a few re-alignments as to accommodate higher speeds associated with a bitumen road. Tulipamwe Consulting Engineers has been appointed for the Emergency Consulting Services for the Design and Contract Documentation for Upgrading 145km of M0119 (T0602 to Talismanus) to Low Volume Seal. Enviro Management Consultants Namibia (EMCN) is appointed to undertake the Environmental Assessment relating to the proposed project - Contract No. W/DP/RA-22/2020 design and contract document to upgrade 145km of MO119 (TO602 to Talismanus) to low volumr seal.

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Last date for commenting on this EIA: Monday, 13 May 2024

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