28 renosters reeds vanjaar gestroop
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'n Dringende hoëvlak-vergadering tussen die ministerie van omgewing, bosbou en toerisme en sekuriteitsgroepe is belê nadat 28 renosters in die eerste drie maande van die jaar in Namibië gestroop is. Uit die 28 renosters is 19 in die Etosha Nasionale Park gestroop. Volgens die ministerie se woordvoerder Romeo Muyunda is tien van die 19 gestroopte renosters in die park verlede maand tydens onthoringsoperasies ontdek. "Die stropery in Etosha is veral kommerwekkend omdat dit ons vlagskip-park is met 'n hoë konsentrasie van renosterbewaring en ander hoë waarde spesies wat dit 'n groot aantrekkingskrag vir toeriste maak," het hy gesê. An urgent high-level meeting between the ministry of environment, forestry and tourism and security groups has been convened after 28 rhinos were poached in Namibia in the first three months of the year. Out of the 28 rhinos, 19 were poached in Etosha National Park. According to ministry spokesman Romeo Muyunda, ten of the 19 poached rhinos in the park were discovered during de-horning operations last month. "The poaching in Etosha is of particular concern because it is our flagship park with a high concentration of rhino conservation and other high value species making it a major attraction for tourists," he said.

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