
The lizard with kaleidoscope eyes: Population characteristics of the Namib web-footed gecko, Pachydactylus rangei

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The Namib web-footed gecko, Pachydactylus rangei, is a nocturnal dune-dwelling gecko endemic to southern Africa. Although noted for their webbed feet and semi-transparent skin, little is known about the population characteristics and spatial ecology of P. rangei. We conducted surveys to assess population characteristics (e.g., density, sex ratio), home range size, and habitat use of P. rangei focusing on potential demographic differences in body size, activity, and behavior. We captured 260 geckos in a ratio of 1 adult male:1 adult female. The species exhibits sexual size dimorphism with females being larger in both SVL and mass compared to males. We estimate that there were 575 geckos on our 29.7 ha study site, yielding a density of 19.4 geckos/ha. Home range estimates were large (>4 ha) for some adults, with median estimates tending to be larger for females. Demographic groups differed in their use of compact sand, loose sand, and slipfaces with juveniles occurring on slipfaces more often and males occurring on slipfaces less often than random expectations. Males were most likely and juveniles were least likely to be resighted. Additional research could elucidate observed patterns in social organization, as well as demographic variation in activity and home range use.

Publication Title:
Journal of Arid Environments
Item Type:
Journal Article