240220002848: Application for the renewal of an Environmental Clearance Certificate for the construction of the public roads as part of the subdivision of Erven 2167, 2168 and 2169, Extension 6, Henties Bay within the Erongo Region
Publication Year:

THE ENVIRONMENTAL CLEARANCE CERTIFICATE IS FOR: Activity 10.1(b) - Infrastructure The construction of public roads 2. DETAILS OF THE ACTIVITY(S) COVERED BY THE ENVIRONMENTAL CLEARANCE CERTIFICATE: 2.1 TITLE OF ACTIVITY: Subdivision of Erven 2167, 2168 and 2169, Extension 6, Henties Bay 2.2 NATURE OF ACTIVITY: The activity entails the construction of public roads. 2.3 LOCATION OF ACTIVITY: Erven 2167, 2168 and 216 is in Extension 6 (south dune), Henties Bay which is located within the Erongo Region. 2.4 SCALE AND SCOPE OF ACTIVITY: All three erven currently lie vacant and are fully serviced with municipal services (i.e. water, electricity, and sewage) provided by the Henties Bay Municipality. The individual erven to be subdivided would be connected to these services. Streets should however be created to give access to all subdivided erven. These streets would be created by means of the proposed subdivision.

Item Type:
Last date for commenting on this EIA: Wednesday, 10 April 2024

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