Mans betrap met beskermde plante
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Drie mans is die afgelope naweek in hegtenis geneem nadat hulle met beskermde plantspesies van ongeveer N$80 000 in die Kavango-Wesstreek betrap is. "Die drie verdagtes van onderskeidelik 27, 30 en 37 jaar oud, is Vrydag by die Namasira-polisiekontrolepunt gearresteer nadat hulle met 7 x 150 kg-sakke Cyphostemma, met 'n gewig van sowat 429 kg en ter waarde van N$79 288, betrap is," lui die Namibiese polisie se misdaadverslag. Volgens die verslag het die verdagtes nie 'n permit gehad wat hulle goedkeuring verleen het om die spesifieke beskermde plantspesies te oes of te vervoer nie. Three men were arrested this past weekend after they were caught with protected plant species worth approximately N$80,000 in the Kavango West region. "The three suspects, aged 27, 30 and 37 respectively, were arrested on Friday at the Namasira police checkpoint after they were caught with 7 x 150 kg bags of Cyphostemma, weighing about 429 kg and worth N$79,288 is," reads the Namibian police's crime report. According to the report, the suspects did not have a permit authorizing them to harvest or transport the specific protected plant species.

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