
240216002825:Proposed construction and operation of Megasave Warehouse and Livestock Handling Pens on ~ 5 Ha Plot (EFR 109) at Otjinene Village, Omaheke Region

Publication Year:
The proposed development site falls within the Otjinene Village and situated on the periphery of the village in area current allocated for the development of light-industries. The key component of the proposed activity entails the fencing off, construction of livestock handling facility, installation of key (water and power supply) infrastructure, and the sub-sequent operations thereof. During the operation phase of the development, the key activities will entail temporary holding of about 100 cattle of different age-groups prior to auction dates. The objective is to ensure that the livestock receive the necessary welfare services (feed and water supply, and a conducive resting environment) while being prepared for marketing. It is therefore the reason why the facility will be complemented with a warehouse in which all needed licks and feed stock is stored and becomes readily available on-site.
Item Type:
Last date for commenting on this EIA: Thursday, 14 March 2024

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