
An exploration of tourism experiences at a world heritage site in Namibia

Publication Year:

This study aimed at identify the key success factors (KSF) in managing memorable tourism experiences (MTEs) at the Namib Sand Sea World Heritage Site (NSS) in Namibia. In an increasing globally competitive market place, it is critical for destinations and tourism products to create a unique identity in order to achieve overall competitiveness. Subsequently, the focus for destination is now on delivering rare, astonishing and memorable experiences in order to obtain and/or maintain a sustainable competitive edge. Kim, Ritchie and McCormick's (2012) MTEs scale was used to test the differences in tourism experiences in a heritage setting. Hedonism,involvement and novelty, refreshment, local culture, knowledge and meaningfulness were identified as main construct of the tourism experience at the NSS and key to the success of NSS. The results also indicate that there is a positive correlation between memorable experience and all seven heritage experience factors, when heritage experience factors increase so does the level of memorable experience. The study recommends that the Management of NSS should provide tourists with the opportunities to create indulging, enjoyable and exciting tourism experiences. It further recommends that management NSS management should strive to improve customer interaction in order to attain overall visitor satisfaction.

Conference name:
The Coucil for Australian Tourism and Hospitality Education 2020 Conference
Item Type:
Conference Paper

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