
EIB and NamPower Encroacher Bush Biomass Power Project, Tsumeb Area, Oshikoto Region


SLR Environmental Consulting Namibia (Pty) Ltd ("SLR") was contracted to undertake an Environmental Impact Assessment on behalf of Namibia Power Corporation (Pty) Ltd ("NamPower"). This included a groundwater and surface water impact assessment as specialist input into the EIA for the selected goforward site. From the six sites that were evaluated, the Otjikoto site - 8 km north-west of Tsumeb was decided to be the best option for the project. This study elaborated on the current groundwater and surface water status of the Biomass Power Plant (BPP) site and of the Bush Harvesting Area (BHA) as well as the impact assessment for the ground and surface water at the BPP and the BHA of the Otjikoto site. For the 40MW scenario at a water supply demand of 4.8m3/h, the study has shown that the area is of good groundwater potential and good water quality. Groundwater is hosted in fractured and karstified aquifers and it is identified as the main source of water supply in the BPP and BHA. There are no surface water sources close to the proposed BPP site.

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