
KAZA Kavango Zambezi Transfrontier Conservation Area: Strategic planning framework for the conservation and management of elephants in KAZA TFCA

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To enable long term planning, monitoring of the KAZA elephant population is required, as well as identifying and mitigating threats and drivers inimical to integrated land use and landscape planning to ensure securing adequate space for the survival of these elephants. A contemporary and emerging threat is climate change to which elephants are already vulnerable in areas of limited water supply, which will likely exacerbate human-elephant conflict. To address these issues and to ensure a long term future for elephants and many other species dependent on the KAZA landscape, an elephant conservation planning workshop for the partner countries of Angola, Botswana, Namibia, Zambia and Zimbabwe was convened specifically to develop a strategic planning framework for the conservation and management of these elephants in the largest terrestrial conservation area in the world. The framework is part of the suite of measures towards harmonisation of policies, legislation and practice in the management and sustainable use of natural resources as provided for in the KAZA TFCA Treaty. The framework was adopted by the KAZA Ministers' Committee on 11th April 2019 and now endorsed by the Kasane Elephant Summit on 7th May 2019 places the focus squarely on the following long-term Vision and the four primary objectives to achieve it.

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