
230404001264: Prospective exploration and mining activities on Mining Claims 73701, 73766, 73767 and 73931 on the Farm Rooiberg, located in the Hardap Region

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This is an application for a new Environmental Clearance Certificate for small scale mining in respect of 4 NEPL Claims on the Farm Rooiberg 83. These 4 NEPL Claims are: NEPL Claim 1 registered under NEPL Number: 73701, applied for on 7 September 2022, pertaining to dimension stone and semi-precious stones, with an extent of 17.868 hectares. NEPL Claim 2 registered under NEPL Number: 73766, applied for on 29 September 2022, pertaining to dimension stone and semi-precious stones, with an extent of 15.6717 hectares. NEPL Claim 3 registered under NEPL Number: 73767, applied for on 29 September 2022, pertaining to dimension stone and semi-precious stones, with an extent of 17.1356 hectares. NEPL Claim 4 registered under NEPL Number: 73931, applied for on 7 November 2022, pertaining to base and rare metals, dimension stone, industrial minerals, precious metals, and semi-precious stones, with an extent of 16.74.88 hectares.

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Last date for commenting on this EIA: Monday, 11 September 2023

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