
The taxonomic status of "Ysengrinia" ginsburgi Morales et al. 1998 (Amphicyonidae, Carnivora) from the basal middle Miocene of Arrisdrift, Namibia

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The aim of this article is to revise the taxonomic status of Ysengrinia ginsburgi Morales et al. 1998. This species of amphicyonid carnivore was defined on the basis of specimens from the early Miocene locality of Arrisdrift, Namibia. It was subsequently transferred to the genus Afrocyon Arambourg, 1961, by Morales et al. (2006) and more recently was included by Morlo et al. (2019) in the genus Cynelos Jourdan, 1862, as C. ginsburgi, along with anew species Cynelos anubisi from the locality of Moghara, Egypt. Morphological and biometric analyses of the dentition of the two African species indicate that they do not belong to the genus Cynelos, of which the type species, C. lemanensis shows a hypocamivorous dental adaptation, the opposite of the situation in the species from Namibia and Egypt, both of which are hypercamivorous. The latter two species are clearly distinct from Afrocyon burolleti Arambourg, 1961, from Gebel Zelten, Libya, and their dentitions show differences that indicate that we are in the presence of distinct genera; Namibiocyon nov. gen. ginsburgi (Morales et al.) 1998, for the species from Arrisdrift, Namibia, and Mogharacyon nov. gen. anubisi (Morlo et al. 2019) for the species from Moghara.

Publication Title:

Communications of the Geological Survey of Namibia

Item Type:
Journal Article

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