
Foreigners fuel Zimbabwe's wildlife illicit financial flows

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According to Zimparks statistics that were released to this publication, there is a significant increase in the number of foreigners that have been arrested for poaching this year. In the first half of 2023, 10 foreigners were arrested for poaching in Zimbabwe compared to six who were nabbed through out 2022. One hundred and eighty two locals were arrested for poaching in the first half of this year while in 2022, 644 Zimbabweans were charged for illegal hunting. Zimparks, a statutory body responsible for managing the country's wildlife population, said elephants were the most poached animals, especially in the northwest Matebeleland region, particularly around the Katombora area and Zambezi National Park as well as mid-Zambezi's Hurungwe safari area. "For the past five years, a total of 136 elephants were lost to poaching and this translates to at least US$$ 6 800 000.00 (136 x 50 000) in estimated compensation value," Farawo said. "A total of 64 rhinos were poached during the past five years from January 2018 to June 2023) translating to US$$12 800 000 .00, (64 x 200 000) in estimated compensation value."

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Bulawayo24 News
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