
230612001564: Renewal application: The renewal of the Environmental Clearance Certificate for the mining, processing and associated activities at the Langer Heinrich Mine

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Continuation of: Mining, processing and associated activities at the Langer Heinrich Mine. The Langer Heinrich Mine (LHM), situated in the Namib Naukluft National Park (NNNP) approximately 80 km to the east of Swakopmund in the Erongo Region of Namibia. The details relating to the ‘scale and scope’ of the proposed mining, processing and associated activities and facilities were included in the original (approved) EIA reports (stage 3 Expansion and subsequently the Stage 4 Expansion Projects). The mining, processing and associated activities are approved under the mining licenses (ML140 and ML172). An Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) process was conducted for the stage 3 Expansion Project at LHM in 2009 and approved by the Ministry of Environment, Forestry and Tourism (MEFT) - Directorate of Environmental Affairs (DEA). Subsequently, LHU has implemented the stage 3 Expansion Project and also conducted another EIA for their proposed Stage 4 Expansion in 2011/2012. LHU has not implemented all the Stage 4 activities and infrastructure, which was approved by MEFT (DEA). The current ECC for the mining, processing and associated activities was issued by MEFT in August 2020 on the basis of the previous renewal application submitted by LHU in June 2020. This ECC expires in August 2023. The mine was placed under Care and Maintenance in June 2018 due to the prevailing low uranium price. In July 2022 Paladin Energy announced the final investment decision to restart LHM. Various refurbishment activities and process upgrades are being undertaken at the process plant for increased process efficiency and throughput.

Item Type:
Last date for commenting on this EIA: Friday, 11 August 2023

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