
230515001477: Construction, operation and maintenance of the proposed Okahao Wastewater Treatment Plant

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The Okahao town has experience an economic and population growth of the town over the years. These growth has resulted in the existing townships extending and requires additional infrastructures and upgrading of the existing services. One such municipal service affected by the town growth is the wastewater management system. The town still uses the old Oxidation Pond system for the collection and disposal of the town’s wastewater. Oxidation ponds were preferred due to low urban population < 5000. The heavy rains and severe flooding experienced during the last couple of years in the northern part of the country have resulted in many oxidation ponds breaking and/or spilling raw or insufficiently treated sewage into the surrounding, especially in low lying areas. The overflow of untreated sewage and sometime the releasing of effluent that is of a poor quality in the environment poses a health hazard for humans & livestock. Thus, the Okahao Town Council has planned to upgrade the existing oxidation pond system to more advanced wastewater treatment works.

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Last date for commenting on this EIA: Wednesday, 5 July 2023

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