
230511001460: Application for renewal of an ECC for formalisation of DRC Informal Settlement, Township Establishment on Erf 184 and Mile 4 Proper as well as Portion 90 of the Remainder of Portion B of Swakopmund Town and Townlands, Erongo Region

Publication Year:

THE ENVIRONMENTAL CLEARANCE CERTIFICATE RENEWAL IS FOR: The continuation of the Land Use and Development Activities, for which an Environmental Clearance Certificate was obtained during August 2013. 2. DETAILS OF THE ACTIVITY(S) COVERED BY THE ENVIRONMENTAL CLEARANCE CERTIFICATE: 2.1 Title of the Activity Continuation of the Land Use and Development Activities (Formalization of the DRC informal settlement and Township Establishment on Erf 184 and Mile 4 Proper as well as Portion 90 of the Remainder of Portion B of Swakopmund Town and Townlands), Swakopmund, Erongo Region. 2.2 Location of Activity The DRC informal settlement and Township Establishment on Erf 184 is situated to the eastern side of the Swakopmund town and Mile 4 Proper is situated to the north of Swakopmund, Erongo Region. Kramersdorf Extension 32 is located within the urban area, east of the Swakopmund town, and north of the Swakop River, within the Erongo Region. 2.3 Nature of Activity The activities entail the construction of roads; electricity supply network; potable water supply network; wastewater network. The area concerned is earmarked in terms of the long term plan as future residential extension to effectively address the natural growth of the town of Swakopmund. It is one of the areas identified by Council to be developed for provision of serviced erven to address the need for expansion of the town. The area is highly disturbed from past construction activities of the Dunes Development as well as past recreational activities by members of the public. The surface is characterized by shallow rock formations with hard to soft sandy soil conditions that differ from place to place. The proposed development will form part of a larger development vision that will link various other extensions in a coordinated manner and in accordance with sound planning principles. It will effectively promote efficiency, opportunity, choice and place making, which in turn will effectively respond to the needs of the community. The development will consist of approximately 230 "single residential" erven with a density of 1 dwelling per Erf. The residential erven will range between 600m² and 1200m² which will cater for the middle to higher income sectors. The development will provide for "general residential 1" erven with a density of 1:250m², "general business" erven with a bulk of 1.0, public open spaces and streets as the remainder. According to the Swakopmund Municipality, the previous Town Planning Manager had requested for an exemption from conducting a full EIA from the Environmental Commissioner during the initial 2013 EIA application submitted. Therefore, the Environmental Assessment Practitioner and team will compile a full Environmental Monitoring Plan and submit it along with previous documentation to the Environmental Commissioner at the Department of Environmental Affairs, to effect the ECC renewal application. 2.4 Scale and Scope of Activity The development consist of approximately 230 erven of a variety of land uses, i.e. residential, business and open spaces, respectively. Potable water: Potable water will be supplied to each individual erf by extending the existing potable water network. Waste Water: The existing sewer network will be extended to which the erven will be connected and dispose at the existing oxidation ponds. Electricity: Electricity supply will be provided to each individual household. Household Waste: The Swakopmund Municipal Council will collect household waste from each household on a weekly basis and disposed at the municipal dump site. Access & Roads: Access to the proposed Townships will be obtained via the existing road network of the larger townships (i.e. DRC Informal Settlement; Mile 4 Proper & Kramersdorf Ext 18).

Item Type:
Last date for commenting on this EIA: Friday, 9 June 2023

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