
230428001421: ECC-02025 - Application for amendment to extend sand mining boundaries of existing sand mining activities within the Okahandja River adjacent to Portion 83 of the Farm Osona Commonage No. 65 Otjozondjupa Region

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The Renewed and valid Environmental Clearance Certificate (ECC-02025) is for: The 'listed activities' that might be affected are listed below: Waste Management, Treatment, Handling and Disposal Activities Activity 2.2 - Activity entailing a scheduled process in the Atmospheric Pollution Prevention ordinance, 1976. Mining and Quarrying Activities Activity 3.2 - Other forms of mining or extracting or extraction of any natural resources whether regulated by law or not. Activity 3.3 - Resource extraction, manipulation, conservation and related activities. Water Resource Developments Activity 8.4 - Construction of canals and channels including the diversion of the normal flow of water in a riverbed and water transfer schemes between water catchments and impoundments. Activity 8.8 – Construction and other activities in watercourses within flood lines. Activity 8.9 – Construction and other activities within a catchment area. Hazardous Substance Treatment, Handling and Storage Activity 9.2 - Any process or activity which requires a permit, license or other form of authorization, or the modification of or changes to the existing facilities for any process or activity which requires an amendment of an existing permit, license or authorzsation or which requires a new permit, license or authorization in terms of a law governing the generation or release of emissions, pollution, effluent or waste. Activity 9.4 - The storage and handling of dangerous goods, including petrol, diesel, liquid petroleum gas or paraffin, in containers with a combined capacity of more than 30 cubic meters at any one location. 2. DETAILS OF THE ACTIVITY (S) COVERED BY THE ENVIRONMENTAL CLEARANCE CERTIFICATE: 2.1 Title of Activity Sand Mining within the Okahandja River, adjacent to Portion 83 of the Farm Osona Commonage No. 65 and Portion 67 of the Farm Osona Commonage No. 65 (Sand Mining Boundaries Extension). 2.2 Location of Activity The area where the mining of sand is taking place is located within the Okahandja River, situated to the immediate east and west of Portion 66 of the Farm Osona Commonage No. 65 (forming part of consolidated Portion 83 of the Farm Osona Commonage No. 65). 2.3 Nature of Activity Operations applicable to this application consist of the excavation of sand from the Okahandja River, screening, loading on truck and transporting to Okahandja and Windhoek. 2.4 Scale and Scope of the Activity Based on current demand, on average 3,000m³ of sand per month. The scope of the activity (s) entails -Removal and storage of the overburden at the quarries; Excavation of sand with excavators; Removal from site to the screen; Passing excavated sand through screens to separate sand and stones; Loading of sand on tipper trucks and subsequent transport; and Landscaping of quarries and return of overburden once quarrying is completed. Services: Access to the sand mining quarries is obtained via an existing gravel road and entrance of the D1972 (Okahandja-Gross Barmen Road). No water or any electricity is used in the process, nor is any waste or wastewaters generated. All on-site staff (7 in total) is transported to the site on a daily basis. Daily staff make use of the main farm house`s ablutions and cooking facilities.

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Last date for commenting on this EIA: Friday, 2 June 2023

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