
230212000987: Construction of the purified effluent pipeline for the proposed housing development on Erf 5748 Walvis Bay, next to the Dunes Mall, Walvis Bay, erongo Region, Namibia

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IHS Fund Two (Namibia GP) (Pty) Ltd (the applicant) intends to develop a new housing scheme that will comprise about 427 sectional title dwelling units next to the Dunes Mall on Erf 5748 Walvis Bay. Due to the site’s location and potential for mosquitoes, flies, odour, the applicant has contracted Erongo Consulting Group to prepare the Environmental Impact Assessment Scoping report and Draft Environmental Management Plan for the proposed 2km 315mm closed purified effluent pipeline, which is only conditional upon the occupation of the buildings for residential development. (See diagrammatic illustration below). The proponent, through its project engineers, have ascertained that extending the current sewage plant’s semi-purified effluent pipe with about two kilometres to discharge into the bird sanctuary wetland instead of the dunes surrounding the sewage plant, will resolve all concerns the Municipality has with the Proposed Scheme and also with neighbouring residential areas from which complaints have apparently been received in recent times. The engineers’ advice is that the whole dune area between the sewage plant and Dunes Mall will dry out, and leave the area relatively odour, fly, and mosquito-free in time, once the pipe is extended as suggested. As such, IHS would like to propose the following mitigants to assist in addressing the odor, fly, and mosquito challenge: Off-Site mitigation measures: Lay a two-kilometer 315mm closed pipeline from the source of the Sewage Plant’s semi-purified water overflow outlet to the bird sanctuary wetland, utilizing the exiting water channel as illustrated in the diagram below. Once the pipeline has been installed and the excess semi-purified water is diverted further into the dunes, the odor issue will subside, reducing the resultant fly issue significantly. The proposed project triggers listed activities in accordance with the Environmental Management Act 2007. An application for Environmental Clearance will be submitted in the form of an Environmental Impact Assessment to the relevant competent authorities and the Ministry of Environment, Forestry and Tourism in accordance with the Act.

Item Type:
Last date for commenting on this EIA: Tuesday, 16 May 2023

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