
Ivory and rhino horn is being smuggled through Angola by traffickers disguised as tourists

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The Quatro de Fevereiro International Airport, Angola's capital city Luanda, has recently been the gateway for many disguised tourists, with the clear intention of illicit trafficking of ivory and rhino horn. In the last three months alone, the Criminal Investigation Service (SIC), coordinating with other forces in the airport's security system, detained two Vietnamese citizens in possession of 26 kilograms of ivory worked into jewellery; four kilograms of raw ivory; rhino horns, weighing 6.6 kilograms; and five rolls of elephant tail yarn, weighing eight grams. Speaking to Radio Benguela's Pedro Tchindele, SIC spokesperson, Manuel Alaiua, revealed that the accused had been recruited to transport the said product, as he had been in the country for only five days, and intended to return to where he had come from same route of entry - Vietnam / Dubai / Luanda - with the product in his possession. The other perpatrator, also of Vietnamese nationality, was in Angola with the same purpose.

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