
Smokkel wildprodukte saam met ander items

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Wetstoepassers in Namibië, asook in Mosambiek en Zambië begin al hoe meer let op die onwettige smokkelary van onder meer perlemoen deur hul lande. Dit omdat daar groeiende bewyse is dat dieselfde maatskappye en individue wat betrokke is in dié smokkelary, ook betrokke is in die uitvoer van onwettige wildprodukte en ander onwettige bedrywighede. Inteendeel, groeiende bewyse dui op 'n samevloeiing van ander vorme van misdaad met onwettige handel in wildprodukte. Dieselfde sindikate wat in Suider-Afrika betrokke is in onwettige handel van onder meer edelstene, goud, dwelms en gesteelde transitokontant asook perlemoen, is klaarblyklik ook doenig met wildmisdade en die smokkel van onder meer skilpaaie, ietermagôs, renosterhorings en ivoor.

Law enforcers in Namibia, as well as in Mozambique and Zambia are starting to pay more and more attention to the illegal smuggling of, among other things, abalone through their countries. This is because there is growing evidence that the same companies and individuals involved in this smuggling are also involved in the export of illegal game products and other illegal activities. On the contrary, growing evidence points to a confluence of other forms of crime with illegal wildlife trade. The same syndicates that in Southern Africa are involved in the illegal trade of precious stones, gold, drugs and stolen transit cash as well as abalone are apparently also involved in wildlife crimes and the smuggling of turtles, pangolins, rhinoceros horns and ivory, among other things.

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