
Twee 'renosterstropers' aangekeer

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Twee mans is gister omstreeks 09:00 in die Dordabis-omgewing in hegtenis geneem nadat hulle glo twee swartrenosters, ‘n koei en ‘n kalf, op ‘n plaas doodgeskiet het. Die verdagtes het ‘n jaggeweer in hul besit gehad, asook 15 koeëls, waarvan drie reeds gebruik is. Twee renosterhorings is ook gevind. Die waarde van die renosters is sowat N$500 000 per renoster. Die mans is aangekla vir verskeie oortredings, insluitende vir die jag van beskermde wild en omdat hulle in besit was van ongelisensieërde wapens. Die polisie se ondersoek duur voort.

Two men were arrested yesterday around 09:00 in the Dordabis area after they apparently shot dead two black rhinos, a cow and a calf, on a farm. The suspects had a hunting rifle in their possession, as well as 15 bullets, three of which had already been used. Two rhinoceros horns were also found. The value of the rhinos is around N$500,000 per rhino. The men were charged with various offences, including hunting protected wildlife and being in possession of unlicensed weapons. The police investigation continues.

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