
230211000982: Environmental Clearance Certificate for the proposed exploration activities on Exclusive Prospecting License (EPL 8948) in respect to industrial minerals about 16 km North-east of Cape Cross, Erongo Region

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Ms. Inna Nelago Amupolo (herein referred to as the proponent), is a Namibia national and who ventures in exploration and mining. Ms. Amupolo aims at prospecting and eventually developing mining ventures in respect to Industrial Mineral. Hence, Ms. Amupolo applied to obtain an Exclusive Prospecting License (EPL) with a particular focus on a portion of the EPL herein referred to as the proposed Area of Interest (AOI). To enhance potential impact mitigation, the proponent has further demarcated and marked a section of the EPL into an area (537 m2) of EPL 8949. The proposed exploration activities mainly consist of the following prospecting activities: Geological mapping: this mainly entails a desktop review of geological area maps and ground observations. Lithology geochemical surveys: rock samples shall be collected and taken for trace element analysis. Also, trenches or pits may be dug (in a controlled environment e.g. fencing off and labelling activity sites) adopting manual or excavator to investigate the mineral potential. At all times, the landowner and other relevant stakeholder will be engaged to obtain authorisation where necessary. Geophysical surveys: entails data collection of the substrata, by air or ground, through sensors such as radar, magnetic and electromagnetic to detect any mineralization in the area. Drilling or Bulk Sampling: Should analyses by an analytical laboratory be positive, holes are drilled and drill samples collected for further analysis. This will determine the depth of the potential mineralization. If necessary new access tracks to the drill sites will be created and drill pads will be cleared in which to set the rig.

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Last date for commenting on this EIA: Sunday, 12 March 2023

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