
221108000275: Development of approximately 427 sectional title dwelling units with ancillary outbuildings on Erf 5748, Walvis Bay, Namibia



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IHS Fund Two (Namibia GP) (Pty) Ltd (the applicant) intends to develop a new housing scheme that will comprise about 427 sectional title dwelling units next to the Dunes Mall on Erf 5748 Walvis Bay. The applicant has contracted Erongo Consulting Group to prepare the Environmental Impact Assessment Scoping report and Draft Environmental Management Plan. The units will be sold under a sectional title plan, which means that the streets will be privately owned and maintained by the body corporate, rather than by the Walvis Bay Municipality. Similarly, the body corporate will develop and maintain the open spaces/parks. Small playparks are provided in the townhouse scheme's center, which will improve pedestrian walkability and recreational open space. Each playpark is 11x17 metres (187m²) in size. The total area of green open space is about 2500m2, or 3.2 percent of the erf area (76,955m²). Streets will also be landscaped in order to improve the aesthetics of the townscape. Erf 5748 Walvis Bay was created through the subdivision of Erf 5433 Walvis Bay (previously known as Portion 213) into Erven 5747, 5748 and 5749 and the Remainder of Erf 5433 Walvis Bay. The survey was approved by the Surveyor General but has not been registered at the Deeds Office. In terms of Deed of Transfer No.7670/2016, Erf 5433 Walvis Bay is registered in the name of Dunes Mall (Pty) Ltd (previously known as Greenstone Resorts (Pty) Ltd). Therefore, ownership of Erf 5748 Walvis Bay vests with Dunes Mall (Pty) Ltd. Dunes Mall (Pty) Ltd is in the process of selling Erf 5748 Walvis Bay to the applicant, IHS Fund Two (Namibia GP) (Pty) Ltd. The proposed housing development on Erf 5748 Walvis Bay is supported in principle due to the following reasons: The project will deliver 427 dwellings between 2023 and 2025 to help meet Walvis Bay's housing demand. The houses will be within walking distance of the Dunes Mall, shops, services, and potential employment opportunities. Because the sewage ponds are an eyesore, development and landscaping will help to improve the overall townscape along the C14/M36 Road. The project will create jobs in the local construction industry, boost sales in related retail outlets, and help to maintain employment levels. Work opportunities help to alleviate negative socioeconomic consequences such as poverty and crime. Finally, the proposed development is deemed necessary and desirable, and it can be supported in principle.

Item Type:
Last date for commenting on this EIA: Wednesday, 22 February 2023

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