
230125000901: The mineral exploration activities associated with EPL 7095, located approximately 15 km east of Karibib, Erongo Region, Namibia

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Dwyka Investment CC (Dwyka) has successfully obtained Exclusive Prospecting Licence (EPL) 7095, located east of Karibib in the Erongo Region. EPL 7095 is approximately 3811 Hectares (ha) in size. The exploration aims to focus on Crystalline white marbles of the Karibib Formation, which are dominantly occurring within EPL 7095 area. Other lithological units present are schists, ortho-amphibolite, quartzites, granite, ortho-gneiss and metasediments. All these lithological units are part of the Damara Sequence.

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Last date for commenting on this EIA: Thursday, 9 February 2023

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