
221205000581: Application of an Environmnetal Clearance Certificate for the proposed Klein Spitzkop Solar Energy Park and 66kV power transmission line, Keetmanshoop District, //Karas Region

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THE ENVIRONMENTAL CLEARANCE CERTIFICATE IS FOR: Activity 1(a) - Energy Generation, Transmission and Storage Activities The construction of facilities for the generation of electricity (solar Power). Activity 1(b) - Energy Generation, Transmission and Storage Activities The construction of facilities for the transmission and supply of electricity (Overhead Transmission Lines). Activity 5.1(c) - Land Use and Development Activities Agricultural use to industrial like use 2.1. TITLE OF ACTIVITY Klein Spitskop Solar Energy Park 2.2. LOCATION OF ACTIVITY The Farm Remainder Portion 2 of the Farm Klein Spitskop No. 153 is situated approximately 20 km northeast of the town of Keetmanshoop, located within the north central parts of //Karas Region. The planned Klein Spitskop Solar Energy Park (200ha) is envisaged on a portion of the commercial farm, Farm Remainder Portion 2 of the Farm Klein Spitskop No. 153. The 200 ha set aside for this Project is located on a portion within the central-eastern parts of the mentioned Farm, along the M29. 2.3 NATURE OF ACTIVITY The proposed activity entails construction and operation of a 200ha photovoltaic solar power plant with supporting infrastructure (i.e. O&M Building, site sub-station and 66kV OHTL). The electricity will be conveyed along a ±3.4Km 66kV overhead transmission powerline to NamPower’s existing Kokerboom Substation. The aim of the project is to supply renewable electricity to the Southern African Power Pool into the NAMPOWER grid at the existing nearby Kokerboom Substation, situated to the south of the proposed Klein Spitskop Solar Energy Park. This development is in line with the latest trend to make use of renewable energy rather than fossil fuels to reduce the impact on global Climate Change.

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Last date for commenting on this EIA: Wednesday, 8 February 2023

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