
221018000137: Manufacturing of clay fired bricks and roofing products, Omusati Region

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ONEBRIK (Pty) Ltd proposes to establish a green-field clay brick factory at Ruacana, in Omusati Region. The brick factory will manufacture clay bricks of the highest quality to meet the growing demand for bricks required in the building of houses, schools, hospitals and related infrastructure both in the rural and urban areas of Namibia. Ekwao Consulting has been appointed by OneBrik to secure an Environmental Clearance Certificate (ECC) for its proposed brick factory in terms of the Environmental Management Act and related EIA Regulations. OneBrik has been offered land by the Ruacana local authority on which to construct the brick factory. However, the land allocation is conditional upon OneBrik securing an ECC for the project. This EIA has therefore been confined to a land parcel with a footprint of 50 000 m2 on which the factory will be constructed.

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Last date for commenting on this EIA: Monday, 23 January 2023

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