
Strategic Action Plan for the implementation of renewable energy policies as outlines in the Namibian White Paper on Energy Policy. MINISTRY OF MINES AND ENERGY DIRECTORATE OF ENERGY BARRIER REMOVAL TO NAMIBIAN RENEWABLE ENERGYrnPROGRAMME (NAMREP)

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This project, Strategic Action Plan for the Implementation of Renewable Energy Policies in the Namibian White Paper on Energy Policy, is one of several projects that are currently being implemented by the UNDP/GEF/MME Barrier Removal to Namibian Renewable Energy Programme (NAMREP). The mission of NAMREP is to increase affordable access to RE services and accelerate market development for RET's by reducing institutional, information, human capacity, financial, technical, awareness and other market barriers. The need for this project was identified during the stakeholder workshop for the NAMREP Baseline Study. It was determined that a renewable energy strategic action plan is highly needed to provide organisation and prioritisation of future renewable energy interventions.

Ministry of Mines and Energy
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Strategic Action Plan Renewable Energy.pdf 532.38 KB