
Omusati residents warned against hunting stray animals

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Otamanzi constituency councilor, Johaness Iyambo has warned residents of his constituency to desist from hunting stray Game animals which has found way into their communal land as they search for water. This comes after a two-week open hunting season, for residents in the Otamanzi Constituency which borders the Etosha National Park to the East, where residents have been feasting on the stray animals. Confidente understands the animals such as Kudu, Springbok, Wildebeest and Oryx strayed from the park in search of water and have been roaming around villages in the vicinity of the Otamanzi constituency. Jonas Shipayamwe a villager from Onkanga in Otamanzi constituency informed this publication that the animals are scattered in the Onkani, Amarika, Onkanga, Onamatanga, Okakewa,Onghulumba and OmusatigwaAtsheelo villages and that the residents are hunting and killing them for meat. "The truth is that the animals are here. People are hunting and as we speak, I believe every house has got some Game meat," he told Confidente. According to him, locals in the said villages have killed a substantial number of animals since they drifted from Etosha but recently the police had been deployed in the area to prevent the killings.

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