
Only 36 arrests for rhino poaching this year compared to 80 in 2021

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Only 36 people have been arrested for rhino-related poaching cases this year, compared to 80 last year. This was revealed by environment minister Pohamba Shifeta as the ministry received a donation of 10 vehicles, park management and law enforcement equipment worth approximately N$ 21.7 million funded by the Integrated National Park Management II (NamParks V and Covid-19 Fund) and Integrated Wildlife Protection (IWPP) projects. In contrast, 55 rhinos have been poached this year, compared to 44 in 2021. Two elephants have been poached so far this year compared to eight in 2021. In this regard, 58 people have been arrested for elephant-related cases this year, compared to 98 in 2021. Meanwhile, eight live pangolins have been seized so far this year compared to 21 in 2021, while 24 pangolin skins have been seized this year compared to 66 skins in 2021. This led to the arrest of 48 suspects in connection with pangolin-related cases this year, compared to 129 in 2021.

Series Title:
Eagle FM
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