
221010000029 - Application for an Environmental Clearance Certificate for the operation of the existing Engen Consumer Fuel Installations at Namibia Breweries Limited, Windhoek, Khomas Region

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Namibia Breweries Limited (NBL) was established on 29 October 1920 and is the leading beer manufacturing company in Namibia it is also a significant player in the Southern African market. In addition, they have a substantial share in the South African premium beer category. Engen Namibia (Pty) Ltd is an oil company focusing on the downstream refined petroleum products market and related businesses, where it markets approximately 500 petrochemical products. Apart from the retail space, Engen is also a leading supplier of consumer installations. A consumer installation is a petrol or diesel installation (above ground or below ground), including any pump, storage tank and piping used in relation thereto, for the purpose of dispensing fuel into own or hired petrol or diesel consuming equipment or own or hired vehicles. It is important to note that with one exception, if you have a consumer installation you may only use it for own use and may not give or sell petrol or diesel to another person. To operate a consumer installation means to install and to conduct the activity of an operator in respect of such installation, and to conduct any activity reasonably required in connection with petrol or diesel or incidental thereto, including the obtaining, handling, possession, storage and dispensing of such petrol or diesel. One such installation is found at Namibia Breweries Limited. The site is located in Iscor Street in Windhoek’s Northern Industrial Area. Engen Namibia (Pty) Ltd as the supplier and owner of the consumer fuel installations has appointed Environam Consultants Trading (ECT) to undertake the process of applying for the Environmental Clearance Certificate on their behalf.

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Last date for commenting on this EIA: Tuesday, 25 October 2022

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