
'Prophet' jailed for rhino poaching

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Self-proclaimed prophet and founder of the House of Joy Ministries Jackson Babi was sentenced to 10 years imprisonment on Friday for rhino poaching. On Friday, Gobabis magistrate Eden Iyambo sentenced Babi when he found him guilty on 19 charges related to illegally hunting protected animals. On two counts of hunting of specially protected game, which had an alternative count of conspiracy to hunt, the court sentenced the "prophet" to three years of direct imprisonment for each count. However, on top of the sentence, the court ordered Babi to pay a fine of N$100 000 for each count. On the two charges of theft, Babi was sentenced to serve two years imprisonment, respectively. On the charge of possession of controlled wildlife products, he is to serve three years imprisonment or pay a N$50 000 fine.

Series Title:
New Era Live
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