
'Profeet' skuldig aan stropery

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Die selfverklaarde profeet Jackson Babi is Vrydag in die Gobabis-landdroshof op 12 klagte skuldig bevind wat met renosterstropery verband hou. Babi staar ten minste tien jaar tronkstraf in die gesig. In totaal is hy skuldig bevind en gevonnis vir 19 misdade en moet hy boetes ter waarde van N$370 000 betaal. Sou hy nie die boetes betaal nie, sal verdere tronkstraf by sy vonnis gevoeg word.

The self-proclaimed prophet Jackson Babi was found guilty on 12 charges related to rhino poaching in the Gobabis Magistrate's Court on Friday. Babi faces at least ten years in prison. In total, he was found guilty and sentenced for 19 crimes and must pay fines worth N$370,000. Should he not pay the fines, further imprisonment will be added to his sentence.

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