
Introducing the Acacia fibreboard

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The vision for the Acacia fibreboard is that demand for affordable, formaldehyde-free chip boards in Europe could drive production of this environmentally friendly alternative in Namibia. Namibian Acacia fibreboards are made from hardwood and are high in silicate. They are therefore heavy as well as dense and can be used for heavy duty and weight bearing purposes in the construction sector. The production of the binder made from Namibian sands and additives emits 4 times less CO2 compared to cement. Utilising Namibian encroacher bush helps restore degraded savanna in the country. The chipped and milled Namibian encroacher bush is combined with an inorganic binder made from Namibian sand high in silicon dioxide and a biopolymer for which Camelthorn pods, for example, can be used (Namibinder® technology).

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Acacia fibreboard information booklet.pdf 929.27 KB