
Vermeende stroper in been geskiet

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'n Vermeende stroper is Sondag op die plaas Kaliombo in die Karibib-omgewing in die been geskiet. Volgens die Namibiese polisie se misdaadverslag het die 65-jarige plaaseienaar omstreeks 23:45 die honde hoor blaf. Veiligheidswagte van K-Sapu het hom ingelig oor vermeende stropers op sy eiendom. Die boer het ondersoek gaan instel en drie mans met vleis gewaar. Die verdagtes was met assegaaie en 'n byl gewapen. Hulle het ook drie honde by hulle gehad. Die verdagtes het na bewering probeer om die boer aan te val. Hy het uit selfverdediging sy wapen afgevuur en een van die mans in die been getref. Die ander twee het op die vlug geslaan en die gewonde man het bly lê. 'n Assegaai en byl is in sy rugsak gevind. Volgens die polisie is hy 'n bekende stroper. Die karkas van 'n gemsbok is teen die B2-hoofpad gevind. Volgens die polisie is die verdagtes met 'n wit bakkie by die plaas afgelaai.

A suspected poacher was shot in the leg on the farm Kaliombo in the Karibib area on Sunday. According to the Namibian police's crime report, the 65-year-old farm owner heard the dogs barking around 11:45 p.m. Security guards from K-Sapu informed him about suspected poachers on his property. The farmer went to investigate and saw three men with meat. The suspects were armed with spears and an axe. They also had three dogs with them. The suspects allegedly tried to attack the farmer. He fired his weapon in self-defense and hit one of the men in the leg. The other two fled and the wounded man remained lying. A spear and an axe were found in his backpack. According to the police, he is a known poacher. The carcass of an oryx was found on the B2 main road. According to the police, the suspects were dropped off at the farm in a white pickup.


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