
Zim anti-poaching unit receives award

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"This award to the ranger team has come despite operating in the face of adversity, with the results of a positive growth population of rhino." "Under the protection of ATS, the rhino population in Save Valley Conservancy has seen a biological growth rate of 7%, this is above the 5% IUCN recommendation for game reserves protecting rhino, and maintained a poaching mortality rate of below 2%, also IUCN recommended," the WCPA statement read. "The ATS is a rhino protection, anti-poaching and anti-trafficking, security organisation in Zimbabwe contracted for rhino monitoring and special species protection unit for Zimbabwe’s black rhino population; along with speciality protected white rhino, elephant, panelling, painted dog, cheetah, lion, sable, python, ground hornbeck, lapped-facet vultures and more in the largest private game reserves in Africa."

Series Title:
NewsDay Zimbabwe
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