
Evaluation of impact of Namibian rural aquaculture development April-May, 2009

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The Government of the Republic of Namibia (GRN) has solicited the assistance of the Spanish government and the Xunta Galicia to promote continental aquaculture through two complementary lines of action. The first phase included the consolidation of the Inland Aquaculture Centre (IAC) as the centre responsible for driving and promoting aquaculture in the area, increasing its technological development capacities (production of improved fingerlings and development of suitable feed at affordable prices). The second phase added training and practical education of staff and technical employees, improvement of extension and increased production of fish. The first phase, which began in 2003/2004 and was funded at a level of 569,372.64 Euros, was mainly to develop the physical structure for brood stock selection and the production of fingerlings. The second phase, which began in 2007, was designed to improve extension and training of staff. The total cost of the second phase was 750,440 Euros. Feed production was also to be initiated during the second phase, which ended in 2009. The project addresses an important need: improving food security, nutrition and well being of Namibian citizens through the utilization of unused resources for the production of value-added high-quality fish product. Dr. Jolly, Professor of Agricultural Economics at Auburn University, was requested to conduct an evaluation of the project during his visit to Namibia from the 15th of April to the 26th of April 2009.

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