
APP-003008: Application for Environmental Clearance Certificate for proposed small to medium scale quarrying of dimension stone quality marble and granitoids on Mining Claims 66714, 66731, 66733 located at Onjuva Village, Epupa Constituency, Kunene Region

Publication Year:

Undertaking of small-medium scale quarrying for dimension stone quality rock on Mining Claims (MC) 66714, 66731 and 66733 in the Epupa Constituency, Kunene Region, with primary interest in calc-silicate rocks of the Karibib Formation. The proposed activities are listed activities under the Environmental Management Act (7 of 2007) and its 2012 EIA Regulations, and may not be conducted without a valid ECC obtained from the Department of Environmental Affairs (DEA).

Item Type:
Last date for commenting on this EIA: Friday, 15 July 2022

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