
APP-003661: Environmental and Social Impact Assessment for the upgrade to bitumin standard of the DR3616 Tsandi-Onesi-Epalela road (48.3km) in Omusati Region Namibia

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The project involves the upgrading to bitumen standard of the existing gravel road; District Road 3616 stretching from Tsandi via Onesi ending at Epalela settlement where it junctions with the MR 92 (C46) road from Outapi to Ruacana in Omusati region in the Northern Namibia. During the construction phase the following materials will be required: -Road construction materials from new and existing burrow pits. -Raw water abstraction from nearby water sources and other potential water sources will be determined.

Item Type:
Last date for commenting on this EIA: Tuesday, 5 July 2022

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