
APP-003261: Application for an Environmental Clearance Certificate for the proposed Schönau Solar Energy Park on Farm Schönau No. 126, Karasburg District, //Karas Region

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The Environmental Clearance Certificate is for:  Activity 1(a) - Energy Generation, Transmission and Storage Activities The construction of facilities for the generation of electricity (solar Power);  Activity 1(b) - Energy Generation, Transmission and Storage Activities The construction of facilities for the transmission and supply of electricity (solar Power) ; Activity 5.1(c) - Land Use and Development Activities Agricultural use to industrial use 2.1. Title of Activitiy: Schönau Solar Energy 2.2. Location of Activity: Farm Schönau No. 126 is located in the southern parts of Namibia, in the //Karas Region, 60 km south-west of //Karasburg Town and 50 km north of the Orange River. The planned Schönau Solar Energy Park (200ha) is envisaged on a portion of the commercial farm, Farm Schönau No. 126. The 200 ha set aside for this Project is located on a portion within the south-western parts of the mentioned Farm, along the D208. 2.3 Nature of Activity: The proposed activity entails construction and operation of a 200ha photovoltaic solar power plant with supporting infrastructure (i.e. O and M Building, site sub-station and 132kV OHTL). The electricity will be conveyed along a 300m 132kV overhead powerline to NamPower’s existing Harib Substation. The aim of the project is to supply renewable electricity to the Southern African Power Pool into the NAMPOWER grid at the existing nearby Harib Substation, situated to the north-eastern point of the proposed Schönau Solar Energy Park. This development is in line with the latest trend to make use of renewable energy rather than fossil fuels to reduce the impact on global Climate Change. 2.4 Scale and scope of activity: It is envisaged that the activities involved in the development of the Schönau Solar Energy Park will include, but may not be limited to the following: (a) Obtaining all necessary licenses and permits required to construct, operate and maintain a power plant for the duration of the PPA; (b) Concluding long-term Land Lease Agreement with the owner of the agricultural land; (c) Design, engineering, procurement, transportation to site, erection, construction, installation, quality assurance, testing (on and off-site), commissioning and acceptance testing of the Project for all auxiliary and ancillary plant, services, and works and rehabilitation of associated sites; (d) Design and construction of all infrastructure required for the connection of the Solar PV Plant to the Namibia Power Corporation’s Substation; (e) Full and complete operation and maintenance of the Project from Commercial Operation Date until the end of plant design life. (f) Rehabilitation of the site after plant design life. The electricity will initially be sold exclusively under the PPA to the Namibia Power Corporation (Pty) Ltd. The proposed project surface will not be cleared entirely as with other solar farms, for purpose of preventing erosion and conserving the local vegetation and habitat. Holes will be dug or drilled only to plant the steel poles that will hold the solar panels. A building for operations and maintenance will be erected which will consist of a storeroom, office and ablution with sewage system. Water for daily use by personnel will be sourced from the existing borehole located to the south-west of the Site. The project area will be surrounded by a 2 m high electricity fence. A lightning protection system will be installed to protect equipment on-site. The majority of labourers for construction will reside on-site, within the footprint of the area to be disturbed by permanent infrastructure, while some of the personnel will travel from //Karasburg to site on a daily basis. Operational staff will reside in //Karasburg and travel to and from the site on a daily basis.

Item Type:
Last date for commenting on this EIA: Monday, 23 May 2022

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