
APP-003772: Exploration activities on Exclusive Prospecting License (EPL) 7800, Hardap Region

Publication Year:

Exploration activities for Base and Rare Metals, Industrial Minerals, Non-Nuclear Fuel Minerals, Nuclear Fuel Minerals and Precious Metals on Exclusive Prospecting License 7800. Phase 1: Year 1 Reconnaissance including Geological Mapping and landowner's engagement. Geological Mapping and Google Earth Tool: Conduct detailed mapping campaign and digitization of mapping data and creation of detailed GIS database from initial regional datasets and consolidate database and design geochemical sampling grid (time frame is subject to ease of obtaining farm access permissions). Exploration Planning and Landowners Engagement: an exploration implementation programme will be developed and discussed with the identified landowners on targeted areas in the EPL. It is also at this stage that land access agreements will be spearheaded by Mangrove with the respective land owners. Ground Geophysical Surveys: The collection of information of the substrata with magnetic and electromagnetic (AMT and IP) surveys to detect any mineralisation in the area. Phase 2: Year 2 Geochemical Sampling Campaign and Sample analysis. Geochemical Sampling and sample analysis: Samples of soil and rock are collected and sent for geochemical trace element analysis to determine if sufficient quantities of a base or precious metal or industrial mineral are present. These analyses are conducted by analytical chemistry laboratories. Phase 3: Year 3 Exploration drilling program including Rehabilitation. Drilling: Core drilling of pilot holes, sample analysis and downhole logging; Infill- drilling campaign at higher resolution; Ore Body Modelling; Pre-feasibility study. Rehabilitation; EPL 7800 will be rehabilitated as per requirements in the Environmental Management Plan (EMP) and shall engage the various landowners on completion.

Item Type:
Last date for commenting on this EIA: Wednesday, 11 May 2022

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