
APP-003714: Alten Solar Power Hardap (Pty) Ltd Environmental Clearance Certificate renewal

Publication Year:

Alten Solar Power Hardap (Pty) Ltd wish to renew their ECC, which expires end of June 2022, in order to continue operations at their Hardap Substation. The Following Regulations were triggered by the activities (Initial ECC Application): Activity 1 (a) Energy Generation, Transmission and Storage The construction of facilities for the generation of electricity. The construction of three 10 MW PV facilities is proposed. Activity 1 (b) Energy Generation, Transmission and Storage The construction of facilities for – the transmission and supply of electricity. The construction of PV facilities entails associated infrastructure, including transmission lines and a small onsite substation to connect to existing substations. Activity 5.1 (c) Land Use and Development The rezoning of land from agricultural use to power industrial use. This relates to the rezoning of land from agriculture to power industrial. Activity 8.1 Water Resource Developments The abstraction of ground or surface water for industrial or commercial purposes Ground water may be abstracted to provide water for the proposed project. Activity 8.8 Water Resource Developments Construction and other activities in water courses within flood lines. Although the development area excludes surface water features, this activity is considered to be relevant as development could take place within close proximity to the flood lines. Activity 8.9 Water Resource Developments Construction and other activities in a catchment area. Roads and buried cables may cross small drainage lines onsite. Activity 10.1 (a) Infrastructure The construction of – Public roads The proposed project may include the construction of roads for access to the sites.

Item Type:
Last date for commenting on this EIA: Monday, 2 May 2022

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