
APP-003058: Environmental Impact Assessment for Bannerman Mining Resources' proposed new water pipeline from the base pump station near Swakopmund to the Etango Project turn off from the C28 Road

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Construction of a water pipeline section from the base pump station near Swakopmund to the C28 T-turn off. The proposed pipeline will follow the existing Lange Heinrich and Swakop Uranium Mine water pipelines from the base pump station near Swakopmund to the C28 T-turn off. Water supply for the Project is assumed to come from NamWater in the form of desalinated water for the processing and domestic requirements. The same pipeline corridor that is used for the Langer Heinrich and Swakop Uranium Mines will be utilised, branching off from the C28 Road to the Etango Project site. The bulk water pipeline will largely be constructed below ground wherever this is possible but sections will also be above ground as no blasting activities will be done for the construction of the pipeline. The section being applied for now (i.e. from the base pump station near Swakopmund to the Etango Project turn off from the C28) will be ~ 30 km in length and have a diameter of 400 mm.

Item Type:
Last date for commenting on this EIA: Wednesday, 23 March 2022

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