
Aspekte van die Okongavabatoliet en insluitsels van die Mafiese Audawibsuite op Otjimbingwe 104, Suidwes-Afrika

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During a sampling programme for a geochemical investigation on rocks of the Okongava Batholith, six varieties were distinguished, which were subdivided into two suites. The two suites consist of metagabbro, that was differentiated on grain size and plagioclase content. It does not represent the magma from which the basaltic Omusema Formation, of the Damara Sequence, at surface was fed. Xenoliths of gabbronorite in the differentiated Audawib Gabbro is probably comprised of mantle or early crystallized material, from which the subalkalic basalts fractionated. During deformation of the Damara Sequence the Okatuwo Quartz Diorite intruded the Damara metasediments where it solidified rapidly and developed a penetrative fabric. During the late stage of this crystallization the Okongava Diorite magma intruded and enclosed the already solidified Okatuwo rocks. Where the Okatuwo magma was partially solidified, magma mixing occurred between the two masses. With further crystallization, a more leucocratic and granodioritic phase, with weak intrusive and graded contacts with the Okongava Diorite, developed in the centre of the batholith. A thermal aureole, with anatexis in the metasediments, also developed around the Okongava Batholith. After solidification, dykes of various composition intruded the Okongava Diorite allowing the development of a penetrative tectonic fabric with intrafolial deformation. All of these rocks, except the Audawib Suite, were intruded during the D1 - deformation phase of the Damara Orogeny. The andesitic magma of the Okongava Batholith was probably derived partially from the lower crust and the upper portion of the upper mantle.

Publication Title:

Communications of the Geological Survey of South West Africa/Namibia

Geological Survey, SWA/Namibia
Item Type:
Journal Article

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