
The Klein Aub fault zone - A wrench fault system in middle proterozoic metasediments in central SWA/Namibia

Publication Year:

The Klein Aub Fault Zone, situated 180 km south-west of Windhoek, SWA/Namibia, divides a northern, relatively undeformed tilted block from a gently folded southern block. The fault zone is situated near the boundary between coarse clastic red beds and fine-grained psammitic to psephitic rocks, all of late Middle Proterozoic age. It comprises subparallel, en echelon folds and systematically orientated, steeply-dipping normal and reverse faults. Since such interrelated structures are characteristic of major wrench fault systems elsewhere in the world, the Klein Aub Fault Zone is interpreted as a right lateral wrench fault system. The stratabound Cu-Ag deposit at Klein Aub Mine is situated immediately adjacent to the main Klein Aub Fault. The geometry and grade of the ore bodies is partly controlled by subordinate faults of the wrench fault system. Seismic pumping during strike-slip faulting probably moved metal-bearing fluids upwards through permeable zones leading to epigenetic upgrading of earlier, diagenetic mineralisation. The right lateral Klein Aub Fault can probably be regarded as the northern branch of a positive "flower-structure" with its central part probably 6 km further south. The style and geometry of this fault structure is compared with experimental results of shear deformation and with field observations at the San Andreas Fault, California. The wrench fault system possibly developed in response to late Damaran convergence of the rigid plates of the Angola and Kalahari Cratons.

Publication Title:

Communications of the Geological Survey of South West Africa/Namibia

Geological Survey, SWA/Namibia
Item Type:
Journal Article

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