
Hydrothermal tin-tungsten mineralization in the Brandberg West-Goantagab area of the Damara Orogen, South West Africa/Namibia

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This report is a slightly modified version of a paper presented at "Geocongress '86" (Pirajno and Jacob, 1986). More detailed discussions of metallogeny and mineralization are presented elsewhere (Pirajno and Jacob, in press.; Pirajno et al., in press). The evolution of the Pan-African Damara Orogen reflects the dynamics of a triple junction which probably included episodes of opening and closing of a proto-South Atlantic Ocean, and possibly of a narrow oceanic arm within the intracontinental branch. These processes resulted in sedimentation, deformation, metamorphism and magmatism (Miller, 1983). At a much later stage, during the Jurassic and Cretaceous periods, anorogenic within-plate magmatism occurred in response to the re-opening of the South Atlantic during the break-up of Gondwana. Products of this activity include lavas of the Karoo Sequence, and a number of ring-type alkali complexes, whose north-east alignments along the structural grain of the intracontinental branch may be related to transform directions (Marsh, 1973). The Damara Orogen contains numerous Sn, Sn-W and W deposits, which can-be grouped geographically into 3 major clusters or "belts" (Pirajno, 1986; Pirajno and Jacob, in press). The northernmost of these is in the Brandberg West-Goantagab area, which is located in the northern coastal arm, within the Southern Kaoko Zone of Miller's (1983) tectono-stratigraphic subdivisions of the orogen. This area occupies the lower Ugab River region, north-west of the Brandberg alkaline granite intrusion, and extends in an east-north-east direction for some 80 km (Fig. 1). The lithologies consist of N-trending, folded turbidite-facies metasediments (metagreywacke and metapelite) and thin marble bands which may be correlated with formations of the Swakop Group (Miller, 1983).

Publication Title:

Communications of the Geological Survey of South West Africa/Namibia

Geological Survey, SWA/Namibia
Item Type:
Journal Article

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