
South West African Administration White Paper on the activities of the different branches for 1970

Publication Year:

For the protection of grazing, farmers throughout for the Territory obtained permits for shooting 3, 893 zebra, 2, 025 ostriches, 172 giraffes, 183 kudus, 404 gemsbuck, 2, 513 springboks and 12 steenboks. Permits were issued for the export of 17, 724 hides to an approximate value of R 50,000. The revenue for the Administration out of levies on the export of 760 head of game by the two licensed game dealers amounted to R 2, 323. There are no levies on the export of hides. The first Administration’s policy that game should have a monetary value for the farmer, started yielding profits. Farmers who allowed people with licences to hunt on their farms derived an income of R 10, 220 from it during the season of two months. The Administrative fee per license was R 417. The 109 trophy hunters who visited the Territory brought the Administration of approximately R 52, 000. Permits were issued to farmers for the sale of 5, 407 head of live game and game carcases amounting to more than R 154, 000. 269 permits were issued for capturing and keeping of game and birds. The 213 freshwater fishing licences issued, brought in R 106. Famers to the south and east of the Etosha experienced much trouble with elephant breaking the boundary fence to graze and drink on the farms. This problem and possible solutions therefor were discussed towards the end of the year with delegates of the border farmers. During the year nature conservators on horse-back drove back 62 elephant to the Etosha Park (sometimes in peril of their lives) and shot six ceaseless trouble makers. Steps have already been taken to erect, as an rate experiment, a special elephant-proof fence in an where they continually cause damage. Despite the game-proof fence which was specially strengthened with wire netting at a high cost, farmers along the border are troubled by lion going through breaks caused by elephant or holes burrowed by warthogs and causing damage on farms especially those with watering places and cattle concentrations near the fence. During the year the alarmingly high number of 87 lions were shot on farms along the border - a thing the park can scarcely afford.

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