
Volcanology and eruptive histories of the Erongo Volcanic Complex and the Paresis Igneous Complex, Namibia: implications for mineral deposit styles

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The Erongo Volcanic Complex and the Paresis Igneous Complex belong to the dominantly Early Cretaceous Damaraland alkaline province, Namibia. They are well-preserved volcanic centres characterised by explosive activity but have contrasting eruptive styles. These eruptive styles reflect the diverse nature of the parent magmas, depth of magma chambers and consequently different types of associated hydrothermal activity. We present new age determinations for both the Erongo and Paresis complexes. New U-Pb SHRIMP dating of zircons and step-heating 40Ar/39Ar of K-feldspar indicate eruption ages in the range of 135-132 Ma for both complexes. The evolutionary sequence of the Erongo Volcanic Complex began with the outpouring of basaltic lavas, followed by voluminous eruptions of rhyodacitic ignimbrites from a central vent. Granitic magma was later emplaced in a ring structure from which rhyolitic, high temperature rheoignimbrites were erupted. This granite caused widespread boron and fluorine metasomatism and resulted in structurally controlled, greisen-style tungsten and tin mineralisation. The sequence of events that led to the emplacement of the Paresis Igneous Complex is more complex as it involved several episodes of effusive and intrusive activity. The magmatic products have alkaline to peralkaline compositions. The Paresis explosive activity is characterised by comenditic and rhyolitic ignimbrites and debris flows. The nature of these volcaniclastic deposits suggests substantial interaction with water. Evidence of hydrothermal activity can be seen in a deeply eroded and extensively fractured area where rock types are silicified and altered to an assemblage of quartz-sericite-pyrite. Although no mineralisation is at present known in the Paresis Igneous Complex, metalliferous deposits of alkaline porphyry-epithermal style may exist.

Publication Title:

Communications of the Geological Survey of Namibia

Geological Survey of Namibia
Item Type:
Journal Article

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