
Reconstruction of important Proterozoic-Cambrian boundary exposures through the recognition of thrust deformation in the Nama Group of southern Namibia

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Northwest-southeast striking northeast-vergent thrust faults divide the exposures of the Kuibis and Schwarzrand Subgroups along the western margin of the Nama basin in southern Namibia into an autochthon and three allochthonous thrust plates. Broad wavelength basement-involved cross-folds create significant structural relief, exposing deep structural levels where the thrust faults merge and pass into basement. These thrust faults are considered to represent late-stage deformation along the leading edge of the Gariep deformational belt. The Proterozoic-Cambrian boundary, contained within a major unconformity near the top of the Schwarzrand Subgroup, is exposed in each of three thrust plates in the study area. In the lowermost thrust plate, the unconformity lies above a 500 m thick section of the Spitkopf Member, comprising shelf limestone and siliciclastic rocks. Exposures of the Spitkopf Member in the middle and uppermost thrust plates consist of slope facies, are a maximum of 60 m thick and locally are completely eroded by the overlying Proterozoic-Cambrian boundary unconformity. Exposures of the Spitkopf Member in each of the thrust plates are interpreted as geographically widely separated facies on a slope-to-basin transition which is telescoped by the thrust faults into a relatively small area. The total relief along the top of the Spitkopf Member, more than 500 m, is a combination of depositional thinning across the shelf-to-basin transition and erosional incision along the Proterozoic-Cambrian boundary unconformity.

Publication Title:

Communications of the Geological Survey of Namibia

Geological Survey of Namibia
Item Type:
Journal Article

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